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This Week in Cleantech (5/31/24) — How Texas topped California for utility-scale solar

Season 1 Episode 104

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This Week in Cleantech is a new, weekly podcast covering the most impactful stories in cleantech and climate in 15 minutes or less.

This week’s episode features Stephen Robert Miller, who wrote for Yale E360 about an effort to convert existing oil wells for long-duration storage of solar energy.

This Week in Cleantech — May 31, 2024 

This week's "Cleantecher of the Week" is Gregg Patterson, CEO of Origami Solar!

  1. The U.S. just took its biggest step yet to end coal mining — The Washington Post
  2. Opinion | Can Biden Win America’s Green Tech Trade War With China? — The New York Times
  3. How red Texas became a model for green energy — The Financial Times
  4. Biden’s Long Game on Climate — Heatmap News
  5. Can a California Oilfield Be Retrofitted to Store Solar Energy? — Yale Environment 360

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This Week in Cleantech is hosted by Renewable Energy World senior content director John Engel and Tigercomm president Mike Casey. The show is produced by Brian Mendes with research support from Alex Petersen and Clare Quirin.

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