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This Week in Cleantech (4/5/24) — The final battle over green hydrogen tax rules

Renewable Energy World Season 1 Episode 98

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This Week in Cleantech is a new, weekly podcast covering the most impactful stories in cleantech and climate in 15 minutes or less. 

This week’s episode features E&E News reporter Christian Robles who covered the controversial debate over federal green hydrogen incentive rules.

This Week in Cleantech —  April 5, 2024

This week’s “Cleantecher of the Week” goes to Bill Weihl, who is transitioning from ClimateVoice’s Co-Executive Director to the role of Founder & Chief Strategic Advisor.

1. Berkeley Will Repeal Its Landmark Ban on Natural Gas in New Homes — The New York Times
2. BlackRock Issued Legal Warning Over ESG Strategy by Mississippi — Bloomberg
3. Can We Engineer Our Way Out of the Climate Crisis? — The New York Times
4. NOAA gets dire warning about solar geoengineering — POLITICO
5. How do you ensure hydrogen is ‘clean’? Treasury rules draw fire. – E&E News

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